To order SUPER status for the ad, send an SMS with the text:
INKC887033 to the number
1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Price: 11.10Ls (13.80 EUR)
If you will extend the period of the existing add, then the time will be added to the existing period.
VIP Status
To order VIP status for the ad, send an SMS with the text:
INKD887033 to the number
1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Price: 6.50Ls (9.25 EUR). Valid up to 24h
If you will extend the period of the existing add, then the time will be added to the existing period.
Expiration date: 20.12.2023 - 27.12.2023 08:54:54
Views: 1828