To order SUPER status for the ad, send an SMS with the text:
INKC881417 to the number
1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Price: 11.10Ls (13.80 EUR)
If you will extend the period of the existing add, then the time will be added to the existing period.
25.08.2023 02:59:50
25.08.2023 02:59:50
VIP Status
To order VIP status for the ad, send an SMS with the text:
INKD881417 to the number
1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Price: 6.50Ls (9.25 EUR). Valid up to 24h
If you will extend the period of the existing add, then the time will be added to the existing period.
Expiration date: 25.08.2023 - 25.08.2023 02:59:50
Views: 1628